“Spring drew on . . and a greenness grew over those brown beds, which freshening daily, suggested the thought that hope traversed them at night and left each morning brighter traces of her steps”. - Charlotte Bronte
Spring during COVID was never been more welcome and more quiet. Ironically against a world struggling with the darkness of a pandemic, nature was been at her vibrant best. Rain in all its different guises fell in the spring of 2020 - heavy downpours flooded waterways and soft life giving showers. Landscapes were lush, green and teeming with life and gardens are abundant and overgrown.
This series of works explores the different guises of spring - tamed in managed gardens, untamed in abandoned untended gardens and the wildness of spring in the Australian bush. This series of abundant, vibrant images has hope at their core- the belief that nature heals and provides us with a vision for a better future. This time will also pass and the future can still be exciting.
All the flowers were home grown, collected from local untended gardens or the wild parts of the artists farm in the Grampians. Everything else has been sustainably sourced - nests blown out of trees, discarded feathers and eggs collected on walks, and hidden in some images the first eggs from young hens.



Still Life with Iris

Still Life with Dwarf Iris

Still Life with Poppies

Abundance I

Abundance II

Dreaming of Poppies


Still Life with Nest

Dreaming of Lilacs

Still Life with Lilac

Bathing in Roses

Abandoned Garden I

Abandoned Garden II

Abandoned Garden III

Spring on the Roadside I

Spring on the Roadside II

Still Life with Mushrooms

Dreaming of Emus

Still Life with Two Nests

Grampians Wild Spring I

Grampians Wild Spring II